
Into The Dark – App Breakdown

Take one sunset photo shot on the move in the car (don’t fret, I wasn’t driving!), run it through 4 different apps and tadaa! You’ve just turned daytime into night time.

I had a vision in my head of how I wanted the end result of this photo to look and after a bit of trial and error, this is the path I took to get there.

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Whilst my sunset looked pretty, it was missing something. I found the ‘flock of birds’ filter in the Filtermania 2 app which was perfect for my photo. On a side note, this app is FREE!

Now I have my sunset with a flock of birds its time to make things dark. I ran the photo through Noir photo and adjusted the vignette, contrast, inner and outer exposure to make the photo as dark as possible.

I still wanted a darker grungier look so then I ran the photo through the PicFX app and added the Grit texture filter.

The last thing I needed to do was to make the bright sun dull so it was not so obvious. I did this in the Snapseed app and used the selective adjust tool. In the location of the sun, I spot adjusted the contrast, brightness and saturation until I was happy with the final result.

And that’s it! Into the darkness in 4 simple steps.

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If you feel like having a go yourself and turning daytime into darkness, tag your photo #Juxt_intothedark on IG and be sure to tag me (@Joanna) or if you have process of your own for turning light into dark, let me know, I’d love to share your ideas too.