
We Are Juxt in NYC: Art Meets Technology

Windows: Art Meets Technology

84 Orchard Street
New York, NY

March 4, 2014, Tuesday
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

You are cordially invited to attend our mobile photography exhibition in New York City.

A few years ago, we never would’ve thought it possible to take professional quality photos with our mobile phones, but the We Are Juxt community teamed up with Microsoft to bring together a group of photos all shot and edited with the Nokia Lumias 920 & 1020 – and the results are stunning. It’s amazing what we can now do with these mobile devices we all carry.

Come see the exhibit featuring Mike Hill, Bridgette Shima, Brad Puet, Josh St. Germain, Matt Coch, Richard Koci Hernandez, Joel Aversing, Andre Hermann, and guest Jean-Brice Lemal.

Please join us for this exhibition for light hors d’oueuvres and drinks and meet Bridgette and Josh.

Also keep an eye out as this exhibit is coming to your city.  New York is just the jumping point!

Feel free to pass the word on Facebook (Event Invite), Instagram, and Twitter.

Let’s have fun and see you all at Artifact in Manhattan!

PS. We are also exhibiting photos at this years SXSW in Austin, TX.  More details soon!

If you’d like to check more updates about our mobile photography exhibitions, check us here.